Assumed Business Name
File or Register, Record Your Assumed Business Name &
All Tax Id Numbers or Licenses You Need To Start Your Business Today!
Get an Assumed Name Online
You can obtain a DBA Assumed Name registration and other licenses and tax IDs, here, online.
An Assumed Name, is the same as a Trade Business Name, DBA, Fictitious Business Name, Fictitious Firm Name, or Doing Business As Certificate.
In addition, you can incorporate or form an LLC online through our site.
In addition, to a Assumed Name certificate,
You May Need The Following:
- All businesses need a business license also called a business tax registration.
- All businesses that want to buy wholesale ( i.e., buy without paying taxes), or sell retail need a Seller's Permit / State Sales Tax Id Number also called a seller's permit or resale tax id number.
- All employer businesses , need a federal tax ID number EIN ( also called an IRS number) and a state employer tax ID number State EIN.
- All new small businesses are advised to get a federal tax id number and use it as a business ID number. Note that a federal tax ID number is also an employer number as well as a business ID number.
- All corporations, partnerships, and llcs, are required to get a federal number to use as a business tax ID ( though, even sole owner can use it as a business ID number).
If you use a name other than your legal full name or
a name other than your corporate or llc name,
you will need an assumed business name in the
following states a business name certificate is called an Assumed Business Name:
In other states, the same law applies but the
name for the assumed business name could be fictitious, dba or trade
name depending on the state it is file.
Legal Guidlines:
“Assumed business name” means one or more
words , or a combination of words and numerals, that a person uses
to identify any business that the person conducts or
transacts, if at the time and place that the person carries on,
conducts or transacts the business, the person does not openly
disclose the real and true name of each person who is carrying on,
conducting or transacting the business. Any name that a person uses
to identify a business that includes a word or phrase that suggests
the existence of additional owners, such as “& Associates,” “&
Company,” “& Sons,” “& Group,” or a similar word or phrase, is an
assumed business name, unless it is the real and true name of the
person that carries on, conducts or transacts the business.
An Assumed Business Name is the beginning of
registering your business... It could be a business
name you always wanted but most importantly you need to file it so
you can be allowed to open a bank account. An Assumed
Business Name Choice should be easy to remember
but it does have to. Make sure it can create an emotion with its
sound. Here's how to go about getting a great Assumed Business Name:
- Submit an online form on this site
- Pay for our service fee
- We will Register your name by filing a dba
name certificate
- Don’t use names that have some generic
meaning such as a first name such as Bob.
- Don’t use a name that describes the actual
product or services such as Mary's Cleaning Maids.
- Don’t use the local name of the city or state your business
is located because you may expand your business nationwide or
even internationally.
- Remember: Short and easy is better than
long and difficult.
What You Need:
- The chosen name
- Your business information such as the
business or home address
- A credit card, check, or money order
- Access to a computer to submit the
Welcome to Assumed Business Name
helps companies large and small starting a
business around the U.S. in any state. Assumed Business Name
Name is a legal document filing
business, filing dbas, Assumed Business Name certificates, Tax Ids,
Incorporations, Forming of LLCs and Getting Business Licenses For
Businesses in The U.S.A. and around the world as well as helping
them with the right and correct licenses to get to start their
enables to get their
Assumed Business Name legally registered and open a business
checking account so they can start collecting money for their
business. Without registering your Assumed Business Name, you
will not be able to open one or sue anyone under that name.
Start Your Business Today! Get Your Assumed Business Name &
All Tax Id Numbers, Incorporation papers or formation of an llc and
Licenses You Need Here!
Not sure what you need? Take this Quiz to find out in 30 seconds !! |
| | Submit an online form with your business info, pay and we will get your documents. |
| | Assumed Name - Assumed Business Name
In general, you need to file a Assumed Business Name and it is a certificate of your business name as opposed to a certificate of a business such as a business license.
A Assumed Business Name is also called a DBA, Fictitious Business Name, an Assumed Business Name, a Trade Firm Name, or Doing Business As DBA.
Get Your Assumed Business Name Today!!
Get Your Assumed Name Now!!
What is a Assumed Business Name or DBA Name?
Why Do I Need to Get A Assumed Name?
What is the General DBA Assumed Business Name Business Name LawWhat is the General DBA Assumed Business Name Business Name Law?
Benefits of Filing your Business Name :
Assumed Business Name filing - File your DBA Assumed Business Name -
All States: In Arizona, Colorado, DC Assumed Name, Georgia, Hawaii,
Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Wyoming,
West Virginia, Washington, Vermont, Also Note that we can file a
DBA Assumed Business Name in any U.S. City or County
You are required to file a Assumed Name.
Assumed Business Name Filing in Any City or State!
"Businesses using a DBA Assumed Business Name Name other than the owner's personal
Name are legally required to file a DBA Assumed Business Name
- DBA Assumed Business Name Filing
File Your DBA Business Name : Also Notarize, Publish, and File proof of Publication
We fill out the DBA Assumed Business Name forms, notarize the
- Business Name certificates, file the DBA Assumed Business Name doing business as certificate,
- pulbish the DBA Assumed Business Name in a legal newspaper and file proof of legal publication.
DBA Assumed Business Name Filing in Any City or State! File your DBA Assumed Business Name ,
- Business Name Statement, Certificate of Business Business Name , DBA Name , Firm Name
- Filing, Notarization, Publication, and Filing of proof of Publication.
File / Register a Assumed Name Name :
Click Here to
Answer this Short Questionnaire
To Find Out
You Need to:
*File a DBA,
*Get a Tax Id Number, or
*Register Your Business by
*Filing a Business License.
We do the following:
(1) We can prepare the Assumed Business Name legal document.
(2) We will send our agent to you to notarize your Assumed Business Name (if required).
(3) Then, we will file, record, and register your Business, trade, or business Name, Business Name certificate with the appropriate government agency.
(4) If required, we will perform a local, county or state level Assumed Business Name search to see if your DBA Business Name DBA Name is available.
(5) We will publish your DBA Assumed Name Name for 4 weeks in a legal newspaper ( also called dba publication), and
(6) We will mail you the certified copies of the Assumed Business Name so you can open a bank account. In some cases, we may fax your or scan and email you the filed, certified copies of your DBA Assumed Name Registration Certificate.
(7) Finally, after the DBA Assumed Business Name form is notarized, filed, mailed and legally published, we file an officially, government certified copy of the proof of the Assumed Business Name certificate newspaper publication.
In most States, regular Assumed Business Name registration filing takes 3-5 business days, but in some states it may take 8 -16 business days because the government processing takes longer. Where it is permitted by the government, there is rush expedited Assumed Business Name filing for an extra fee - add about $200 to regular price.
What is a Assumed Business Name or DBA Name?
It is an official certificate of your business name that must be registered with a government agency. For example, you are doing business as "e-retail internet Ultra Co.", You need to file a Assumed Name because the business name does not include your family surname. A Assumed Business Name, Company, or DBA Name Certificate, or DBA Business Name / D.B.A. Doing Business As Statement is the same as a Fictitious Business Name Statement, a Business Business Name Certificate, or a Firm Name . The " Fictitious Business Name " term is sometimes misspelled: fictious, ficticous, ficticious, etc. All of these business, or DBA Names are just business Name certificates / statements that must be filed if the business owner (individual, partnership, corporation) is doing business in a Name other than its own legal Name.
Why Do I Need to Get A Assumed Name?
Because most states want to protect and inform the public of the legal person that uses a Assumed Name. For example, a Assumed Name certificate contains the owners name a personal address as well as the entity legal structure because the state wants to give information about the owner.
What is the General DBA Assumed Business Name Business Name Law?
Registration or Filing of a DBA Assumed Business Name Trade / Business Business Name.
In general, you are legally required to notarize (some states) register (file) and publish (in some states) a Assumed Business Name certificate, (otherwise called a DBA Name Certificate, Fictitious Business Name Doing Business As Statement, or a Firm Name ) if the business Name is a Name that is different from the Name of the proprietor, partnership or corporation doing business with that Name.
Benefits of Filing your Business Name :
1. Can sue or be sued under the Assumed Business Name . You can enforce any contractual oblication that you sign under a registered Name .
2. Can open a bank account in the Name of the business - business banks require that you show proof of business Name registration.
3. May prevent others from using your business Name . In some states filing creates a rebuttable presumption that you have rights to that Name ( but you probably need a trade mark to protect the Name . However, in general, you do acquire some rights to the business Name associated with a specific product or service that you provide using the business Name in the region that you provide the service or sell your product. Get Your Assumed Name Now!!
How Do I Get My Trade?
Simply submit an online form
with your business information and we will get the
seller's permit, tax IDs and or licenses
llc or dba you order, from us. Apply for your seller's permit today.
Click To Get It Now